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[Archived] IN12068|U.S. District Court Nominees Confirmed During the 117th Congress (2021-2022) (CRS)
1/5/23 -
[Archived] IN12069|U.S. Circuit Court Nominees Confirmed During the 117th Congress (2021-2022) (CRS)
1/5/23 -
[Archived] IN12080|Discretionary Appropriations Enacted by Congress for the Federal Judiciary (FY2023) (CRS)
1/20/23 -
303 Creative v. Elenis: Supreme Court Recognizes Free Speech Exception to Nondiscrimination Law (CRS)
7/6/23 -
Accommodation and Contempt of Congress: Two Oversight Case Studies (CRS)
6/26/2023 -
Amgen v. Sanofi: Supreme Court Holds Patents Claiming Antibody Genus Invalid as Not Enabled (CRS)
06/01/23 -
An Introduction to Trade Secrets Law in the United States (CRS)
1/27/23 -
An Introduction to Trademark Law in the United States (CRS)
7/24/23 -
Antitrust Reform and Big Tech Firms (CRS)
3/22/23 -
Appearances by Sitting U.S. Supreme Court Justices at Congressional Committee and Subcommittee Hearings (1960-2022) (CRS)
05/02/23 -
Appropriations Status Table: FY1999 to Present (CRS)
06/05/23 -
Architect of the Capitol: Evolution and Implementation of the Appointment Procedure (CRS)
03/30/23 -
Archival Records of Congress: Frequently Asked Questions (CRS)
06/08/23 -
Are Public Charter Schools State Actors? Fourth Circuit Says “Yes” (CRS)
5/5/23 -
Asylum Process in Immigration Courts and Selected Trends (CRS)
4/12/2023 -
Attorney’s Fees and the Equal Access to Justice Act: Legal Framework (CRS)
05/02/23 -
Casework in a Congressional Office (CRS)
04/13/23 -
Chevron Deference in the Courts of Appeals (CRS)
06/08/23 -
Chevron Deference: A Primer (CRS)
05/18/23 -
Communications Between Congress and Federal Agencies During the Rulemaking Process (CRS)
03/30/23 -
Congress’s Authority to Influence and Control Executive Branch Agencies (CRS)
03/30/23 -
Congressional Control over the Supreme Court (CRS)
1/11/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (Apr. 24–Apr. 30, 2023) (CRS)
05/01/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (April 10-April 14, 2023) (CRS)
04/19/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (Dec. 27, 2022–Jan. 2, 2023) (CRS)
1/4/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (Feb. 13, 2023–Feb. 20, 2023) (CRS)
02/21/2023 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (Feb. 27, 2023–Mar. 5, 2023) (CRS)
03/07/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (Jan. 17–Jan. 22, 2023) (CRS)
1/23/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (Jan. 22–Jan. 29, 2023) (CRS)
1/31/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (Jan. 3–Jan. 8, 2023) (CRS)
1/9/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (Jan. 30–Feb. 5, 2023) (CRS)
2/7/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (Jan. 9–Jan. 16, 2023) (CRS)
1/18/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (July 10, 2023–July 16, 2023) (CRS)
7/17/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (July 17, 2023–July 23, 2023) (CRS)
7/24/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (July 24, 2023–July 30, 2023) (CRS)
7/31/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (July 3, 2023–July 9, 2023) (CRS)
7/10/2023 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (June 19–June 25, 2023), Part 1 (CRS)
6/26/2023 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (June 19–June 25, 2023), Part 2 (CRS)
6/26/2023 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (June 26–July 2, 2023), Part 1 (CRS)
7/3/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (June 26, 2023–July 2, 2023), Part 2 (CRS)
7/3/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (Mar. 13, 2023–Mar. 19, 2023) (CRS)
03/21/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (Mar. 20, 2023–Mar. 26, 2023) (CRS)
03/27/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (Mar. 6, 2023–Mar. 12, 2023) (CRS)
3/14/2023 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (March 27-March 31, 2023) (CRS)
4/5/2023 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (May 1, 2023–May 7, 2023) (CRS)
05/09/2023 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (May 15–May 21, 2023), Part 1 (CRS)
05/22/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (May 15–May 21, 2023), Part 2 (CRS)
05/22/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (May 29–June 4, 2023) (CRS)
06/05/23 -
Congressional Court Watcher: Recent Appellate Decisions of Interest to Lawmakers (May 8–May 14, 2023) (CRS)
05/15/23 -
Congressional Disapproval of District of Columbia Acts: Overview of Selected Resolutions (CRS)
03/06/23 -
Congressional Investigation of the Trump Indictment (CRS)
4/19/23 -
Constitutional Authority Statements and the Powers of Congress: An Overview (CRS)
3/8/2023 -
Copyright Law: An Introduction and Issues for Congress (CRS)
03/07/23 -
Criminal Contempt of Congress: Frequently Asked Questions (CRS)
06/05/23 -
Economic Development Conveyances for BRAC Properties (CRS)
04/13/23 -
Enlisting Assistance or Intruding On Judicial Independence? Compelling Testimony by Supreme Court Justices (CRS)
05/09/2023 -
Executive Branch Ethics and Financial Disclosure Administration: The Role of Designated Agency Ethics Officials (DAEOs) (CRS)
5/30/23 -
Extraterritorial Application of American Criminal Law (CRS)
3/21/2023 -
Extraterritorial Application of American Criminal Law: An Abbreviated Sketch (CRS)
3/21/2023 -
Federal Capital Offenses: An Abridged Overview of Substantive and Procedural Law (CRS)
7/5/23 -
Federal Capital Offenses: An Overview of Substantive and Procedural Law (CRS)
7/5/23 -
Federal Preemption: A Legal Primer (CRS)
05/18/23 -
Fifth Circuit Considers Constitutionality of the Universal Service Fund (CRS)
1/18/23 -
Financial Disclosure and the Supreme Court (CRS)
4/14/23 -
Financial Disclosure in the U.S. Government: Frequently Asked Questions (CRS)
5/30/23 -
Financial Disclosure: Identifying and Remediating Conflicts of Interest in the Executive Branch (CRS)
5/30/23 -
Flooding and Federal Projects: Exposures and Limits to Liability (CRS)
2/2/23 -
Free Speech: When and Why Content-Based Laws Are Presumptively Unconstitutional (CRS)
1/10/23 -
From Slip Law to United States Code: A Guide to Federal Statutes for Congressional Offices (CRS)
06/12/23 -
Generative Artificial Intelligence and Copyright Law (CRS)
05/11/23 -
House Rules Changes Affecting Floor Proceedings in the 118th Congress (2023-2024) (CRS)
03/30/23 -
Internships in Congressional Offices: Frequently Asked Questions (CRS)
05/04/23 -
Interstate Compacts: An Overview (CRS)
6/15/23 -
Introducing a Senate Bill or Resolution (CRS)
03/30/23 -
Introduction to Tort Law (CRS)
05/26/23 -
Judicial Nomination Statistics and Analysis: U.S. Circuit and District Courts, 1977-2022 (CRS)
4/3/2023 -
Legislative Branch Agency Appointments: History, Processes, and Recent Actions (CRS)
3/16/2023 -
Military Jurisdiction over Retired Servicemembers (CRS)
4/5/2023 -
Montana’s TikTok Ban and Pending Legal Actions (CRS)
06/01/23 -
NLRB Reinstates “Overwhelming Community of Interest” Collective Bargaining Unit Standard (CRS)
05/15/23 -
Overview of FY2024 Appropriations for Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) (CRS)
05/18/23 -
Pandemic Oversight: The Biden Administration’s New Anti-Fraud Proposal (CRS)
06/15/23 -
Perez v. Sturgis Public Schools: the Supreme Court Considers a Futility Exception to IDEA Administrative Exhaustion (CRS)
03/24/23 -
Polselli v. IRS: Supreme Court Clarifies Notice Requirements for a Third-Party IRS Summons (CRS)
7/5/23 -
Potential Stafford Act Assistance for Migration Activity (CRS)
05/16/23 -
Recommendation for New U.S. Circuit and District Court Judgeships by the Judicial Conference of the United States (118th Congress) (CRS)
4/5/2023 -
Regulating Big Tech: CRS Legal Products for the 118th Congress (CRS)
3/15/2023 -
Restricting TikTok (Part I): Legal History and Background (CRS)
03/23/23 -
Salaries of Members of Congress: Congressional Votes, 1990-2023 (CRS)
05/04/23 -
Salaries of Members of Congress: Recent Actions and Historical Tables (CRS)
05/04/23 -
SCOTUS Rules That PROMESA Does Not Abrogate Puerto Rico Oversight Board’s Sovereign Immunity—If It Has Any (CRS)
05/16/23 -
Second Circuit Applies Supreme Court Decision to Limit the Reach of Federal Fraud Statutes (CRS)
04/26/23 -
Secondary Cockpit Barriers for Airline Aircraft (CRS)
6/22/23 -
State Laws Restricting or Prohibiting Abortion (CRS)
3/22/23 -
Statutory Interpretation: Theories, Tools, and Trends (CRS)
3/10/2023 -
Supreme Court Addresses Scope of False Claims Act’s Knowledge Requirement (CRS)
06/13/2023 -
Supreme Court Considers Meaning of “An Offense Relating to Obstruction of Justice” for Immigration Enforcement Purposes (CRS)
6/29/23 -
Supreme Court Considers Preemption Under the National Labor Relations Act (CRS)
2/7/23 -
Supreme Court Considers Religious Accommodations in the Workplace (CRS)
05/18/23 -
Supreme Court Considers Whether the United States Can Prosecute a Foreign-State-Owned Bank (CRS)
03/06/23 -
Supreme Court Holds That Federal Labor Relations Authority Has Jurisdiction to Regulate State National Guards (CRS)
7/11/23 -
Supreme Court Invalidates Student Loan Cancellation Policy Under the HEROES Act (CRS)
7/5/23 -
Supreme Court Narrows Federal Jurisdiction Under Clean Water Act (CRS)
6/21/2023 -
Supreme Court Rules Against IRS on Foreign Account Reporting Penalties (CRS)
3/20/2023 -
Supreme Court Rules That Statutory Criminalization of Encouraging or Inducing Illegal Immigration Is Not Facially Overbroad Under the First Amendment (CRS)
7/10/2023 -
Supreme Court to Consider the Meaning of “Knowingly” Under the False Claims Act (CRS)
04/13/23 -
Temporary Judgeships: Frequently Asked Questions (CRS)
1/18/23 -
The Appointment of Black U.S. Circuit and District Court Judges: Historical Overview and Analysis (CRS)
02/21/2023 -
The Biden Administration’s One-Time Student Loan Debt Relief Policy under the HEROES Act of 2003 (CRS)
7/10/2023 -
The CASES Act: Implementation Challenges (CRS)
04/13/23 -
The DOJ’s Ad Tech Antitrust Case Against Google: A Brief Overview (CRS)
4/27/23 -
The Federal Role in Addressing the Adderall Drug Shortage (CRS)
05/04/23 -
The Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA): A Legal Overview (CRS)
4/17/2023 -
The Feres Doctrine: Congress, the Courts, and Military Servicemember Lawsuits Against the United States (CRS)
4/5/2023 -
The Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act: Prosecuting Foreign States After the Supreme Court’s Decision in Halkbank (CRS)
05/18/23 -
The Mar-a-Lago Indictment: A Legal Introduction (CRS)
06/09/23 -
The Nineteenth Amendment and Women’s Suffrage Part 5: Supreme Court Interpretations (CRS)
1/13/23 -
The PREP Act and COVID-19, Part 2: The PREP Act Declaration for COVID-19 Countermeasures (CRS)
02/28/23 -
The Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action at Harvard and the University of North Carolina (CRS)
6/30/23 -
The Takings Clause of the Constitution: Overview of Supreme Court Jurisprudence on Key Topics (CRS)
05/22/23 -
Title IX’s Religious Exemption: Agency Practice and Judicial Application (CRS)
6/29/23 -
Transgender Students and School Bathroom Policies: Equal Protection Challenges Divide Appellate Courts (CRS)
1/17/23 -
U.S. Sanctions: Overview for the 118th Congress (CRS)
4/27/23 -
Unanimous Supreme Court Rules Bankruptcy Sale Statute Is Not Jurisdictional (CRS)
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