Buy American Requirements
Competitiveness, Trade Promotion, Trade Deficits
Customs Enforcement
Foreign and International Banking
Foreign and International Corporations
Foreign Loans and Debt
Free Trade and Trade Barriers
International Monetary System and Foreign Exchange
Normal Trade Relations, Most-Favored-Nation Treatment
Trade Adjustment Assistance
Trade Agreements and Negotiations
Trade Restrictions
U.S. and Foreign Investments
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Afghanistan Central Bank Reserves (CRS)
3/13/2023 -
African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): Overview and Issues for Congress (CRS)
05/03/23 -
African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) (CRS)
5/5/23 -
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (CRS)
05/04/23 -
Border Carbon Adjustments: Background and Developments in the European Union (CRS)
02/21/2023 -
Buying American: The Berry and Kissell Amendments (CRS)
1/20/23 -
Caribbean Trade Preference Programs (CRS)
2/22/23 -
China’s Global Investments: Data and Transparency Challenges (CRS)
1/3/23 -
Circumvention Inquiry into Solar Imports (CRS)
5/8/2023 -
CPTPP: Overview and Issues for Congress (CRS)
06/16/23 -
Defense Primer: The Berry and Kissell Amendments (CRS)
1/20/23 -
Digital Trade and Data Policy: Select Key Issues (CRS)
3/16/2023 -
Dispute Settlement in the WTO and U.S. Trade Agreements (CRS)
05/23/23 -
Environmental Provisions in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) (CRS)
02/28/23 -
Foreign Assistance for International Conservation (CRS)
06/02/23 -
Foreign Holdings of Federal Debt (CRS)
05/09/2023 -
Foreign Ownership and Holdings of U.S. Agricultural Land (CRS)
1/24/23 -
Foreign Ownership of U.S. Agriculture: Selected Policy Options (CRS)
1/19/23 -
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Offices (CRS)
1/20/23 -
Import Monitoring Systems: Steel and Aluminum (CRS)
03/29/23 -
India-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress (CRS)
06/16/23 -
Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) (CRS)
4/4/2023 -
Industrial Policy and International Trade (CRS)
1/3/23 -
International Financial Institutions: FY2024 Budget Request (CRS)
4/27/23 -
International Tax Proposals Addressing Profit Shifting: Pillars 1 and 2 (CRS)
6/23/23 -
International Trade and Finance: Overview and Issues for the 118th Congress (CRS)
4/7/2023 -
Major Votes on Free Trade Agreements and Trade Promotion Authority (CRS)
6/29/23 -
Managed Trade and Quantitative Restrictions: Issues for Congress (CRS)
1/3/23 -
Oman: Politics, Security, and U.S. Policy (CRS)
03/02/23 -
Presidential Authority to Address Tariff Barriers in Trade Agreements (CRS)
02/28/23 -
Prospects for U.S.-Saudi Nuclear Energy Cooperation (CRS)
06/09/23 -
Russia’s Trade and Investment Role in the Global Economy (CRS)
1/17/23 -
Seasonal Fruit and Vegetable Competition in U.S.-Mexico Trade (CRS)
2/22/23 -
Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 (CRS)
6/15/23 -
Section 301 Tariff Exclusions on U.S. Imports from China (CRS)
6/15/23 -
Selecting the World Bank President (CRS)
05/10/23 -
Sovereign Debt Concerns in Developing Countries (CRS)
02/21/2023 -
Supreme Court Rules Against IRS on Foreign Account Reporting Penalties (CRS)
3/20/2023 -
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (CRS)
02/21/2023 -
The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CRS)
05/11/23 -
The Pillar 2 Global Minimum Tax: Implications for U.S. Tax Policy (CRS)
06/09/23 -
The World Bank (CRS)
5/1/23 -
The World Bank’s Doing Business Report (CRS)
03/07/23 -
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms (CRS)
06/16/23 -
Trade Adjustment Assistance for Workers: Background and Current Status (CRS)
7/19/23 -
Trade Remedies: Antidumping and Countervailing Duties (CRS)
02/28/23 -
Turkey (Türkiye): Possible U.S. F-16 Sale (CRS)
2/16/23 -
Turkey (Türkiye): Possible U.S. Sale of F-16 Aircraft (CRS)
05/09/2023 -
U.S. Government Procurement and International Trade (CRS)
1/10/23 -
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) (CRS)
06/01/23 -
U.S. Security Assistance to Ukraine (CRS)
2/27/2023 -
U.S. Tariff Policy: Overview (CRS)
02/28/23 -
U.S. Trade Debates: Select Disputes and Actions (CRS)
1/3/23 -
U.S. Trade Policy: Background and Current Issues (CRS)
1/30/23 -
U.S. Trade Policy: Future Direction and Key Economic Debates (CRS)
7/12/23 -
U.S.-EU Trade and Economic Relations (CRS)
06/09/23 -
U.S.-India Trade Relations (CRS)
03/31/23 -
U.S.-Japan Critical Minerals Agreement (CRS)
4/28/23 -
U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) Trade Agreement (CRS)
1/11/23 -
U.S.-South Korea (KORUS) FTA and Bilateral Trade Relations (CRS)
03/17/23 -
Ukraine and International Financial Institutions (CRS)
1/4/23 -
USMCA: Labor Provisions (CRS)
1/12/23 -
USMCA: Motor Vehicle Rules of Origin (CRS)
1/12/23 -
World Trade Organization Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations (CRS)
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