Chemical and Biological Weapons
Defense Spending
FY2024 NDAA: Summary of Funding Authorizations (CRS)
7/31/23 -
Intelligence Activities, Surveillance, Classified Information
Military Assistance, Sales, and Agreements
Military Civil Functions
Military Command and Structure
Military Education and Training
Military Facilities and Property
Military History
Military Law
Military Medicine
Military Operations and Strategy
Military Personnel and Dependents
Military Procurement, Research, Weapons Development
Military Readiness
National Guard and Reserves
Nuclear Weapons
Strategic Materials and Reserves
Subversive Activities
Veterans’ Education, Employment, Rehabilitation
Veterans’ Loans, Housing, Homeless Programs
Veterans’ Medical Care
Veterans’ Organizations and Recognition
Veterans’ Pensions and Compensation
War and Emergency Powers
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[Archived] IN11861|Nonprofit Security Grant Program: Summary and Potential Issues for Congress (CRS)
1/26/23 -
[Archived] IN11973|FY2023 NDAA: Selective Service and Draft Registration (CRS)
1/12/23 -
[Archived] IN11991|FY2023 NDAA: TRICARE for Reservists (CRS)
1/12/23 -
[Archived] IN11998|FY2023 NDAA: Military Child Care Programs (CRS)
1/17/23 -
2022 Nuclear Posture Review: Selected Programmatic Issues (CRS)
03/24/23 -
2023 Quadrennial Homeland Security Review: Evolution of a Strategic Review (CRS)
6/22/23 -
Afghanistan: Background and U.S. Policy (CRS)
02/28/23 -
Armed Drones: Evolution as a Counterterrorism Tool (CRS)
3/10/2023 -
Army Corps of Engineers: Section 7001 Report on Future Studies and Projects (CRS)
05/18/23 -
Army Security Force Assistance Brigades (SFABs) (CRS)
03/23/23 -
AUKUS Pillar 2: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
6/20/23 -
Bahrain: Issues for U.S. Policy (CRS)
03/24/23 -
Buying American: The Berry and Kissell Amendments (CRS)
1/20/23 -
CFIUS Executive Order on Evolving National Security Risks and CFIUS Enforcement Guidelines (CRS)
05/26/23 -
China Naval Modernization: Implications for U.S. Navy Capabilities—Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
05/15/23 -
Coast Guard Cutter Procurement: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
03/30/23 -
Coast Guard Polar Security Cutter (Polar Icebreaker) Program: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
03/30/23 -
Comparing DHS Component Funding, FY2023: In Brief (CRS)
1/10/23 -
Concurrent Receipt of Military Retired Pay and Veteran Disability: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
6/22/23 -
Covert Action and Clandestine Activities of the Intelligence Community: Selected Congressional Notification Requirements (CRS)
7/10/2023 -
COVID-19: Potential Implications for International Security Environment—Overview of Issues and Further Reading for Congress (CRS)
05/17/23 -
Deep Fakes and National Security (CRS)
4/17/2023 -
Defense Health Primer: Selected Contraceptive Services (CRS)
2/17/2023 -
Defense Primer: Acquiring Specialty Metals and Sensitive Materials (CRS)
03/30/23 -
Defense Primer: Defense Support of Civil Authorities (CRS)
1/3/23 -
Defense Primer: Department of Defense Civilian Employees (CRS)
2/6/23 -
Defense Primer: Department of Defense Contractors (CRS)
1/17/23 -
Defense Primer: Department of the Navy (CRS)
03/23/23 -
Defense Primer: Directed-Energy Weapons (CRS)
05/18/23 -
Defense Primer: Geography, Strategy, and U.S. Force Design (CRS)
03/23/23 -
Defense Primer: Intelligence Support to Military Operations (CRS)
05/12/23 -
Defense Primer: International Armaments Cooperation (CRS)
06/09/23 -
Defense Primer: LGM-35A Sentinel Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (CRS)
1/10/23 -
Defense Primer: Lowest Price Technically Acceptable Contracts (CRS)
03/30/23 -
Defense Primer: Military Installations Management (CRS)
1/23/23 -
Defense Primer: National Security Space Launch (CRS)
03/23/23 -
Defense Primer: Naval Forces (CRS)
03/23/23 -
Defense Primer: Procurement (CRS)
1/20/23 -
Defense Primer: Reserve Forces (CRS)
1/17/23 -
Defense Primer: Strategic Nuclear Forces (CRS)
05/19/23 -
Defense Primer: The Berry and Kissell Amendments (CRS)
1/20/23 -
Defense Primer: The Military Departments (CRS)
1/9/23 -
Defense Primer: The National Technology and Industrial Base (CRS)
03/30/23 -
Defense Primer: The United States Space Force (CRS)
3/15/2023 -
Defense Primer: U.S. Defense Industrial Base (CRS)
4/17/2023 -
Defense Primer: U.S. Policy on Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (CRS)
05/15/23 -
Department of Defense Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (CRS)
4/17/2023 -
Department of Homeland Security Appropriations: FY2023 Provisions (CRS)
06/02/23 -
Department of Veterans Affairs: Abortion Policy (CRS)
3/20/2023 -
DHS Budget Request Analysis: FY2024 (CRS)
4/4/2023 -
DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy FY2024 Appropriations (CRS)
4/4/2023 -
Economic Development Conveyances for BRAC Properties (CRS)
04/13/23 -
Energy and Water Development Appropriations for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation: In Brief (CRS)
04/19/23 -
Foreign Government Employment by Armed Services Retirees (CRS)
1/5/23 -
FY2023 NDAA: Military Abortion Policies (CRS)
3/21/2023 -
FY2024 Budget Request for the Military Health System (CRS)
4/10/2023 -
FY2024 Defense Budget Request: Context and Selected Issues for Congress (CRS)
5/31/23 -
FY2024 Defense Budget Request: Strategic Missile Programs (CRS)
06/12/23 -
FY2024 NDAA: Basic Needs Allowance and Military Food Insecurity (CRS)
7/10/2023 -
FY2024 NDAA: Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Matters (CRS)
7/24/23 -
FY2024 NDAA: Military Child Care Programs (CRS)
7/17/23 -
FY2024 NDAA: Status of Legislative Activity (CRS)
7/31/23 -
Great Power Competition: Implications for Defense—Issues for Congress (CRS)
05/16/23 -
HIV/AIDS in the Military (CRS)
3/21/2023 -
HSA@20 Episode Companion: Cybersecurity (CRS)
4/10/2023 -
HSA@20 Episode Companion: Federalism (CRS)
06/16/23 -
HSA@20 Episode Companion: Government Reorganization (CRS)
3/20/2023 -
HSA@20 Episode Companion: Intelligence (CRS)
05/15/23 -
HSA@20 Episode Companion: Oversight (CRS)
4/3/2023 -
HSA@20 Episode Companion: Personnel (CRS)
03/24/23 -
Hypersonic Missile Defense: Issues for Congress (CRS)
05/02/23 -
India-U.S.: Major Arms Transfers and Military Exercises (CRS)
6/29/23 -
Instances of Use of United States Armed Forces Abroad, 1798-2023 (CRS)
06/07/23 -
Intelligence Community Spending Trends (CRS)
1/9/23 -
Introduction to Veterans Health Care (CRS)
6/28/23 -
Iran and Nuclear Weapons Production (CRS)
4/14/23 -
Iran’s Nuclear Program: Tehran’s Compliance with International Obligations (CRS)
4/12/2023 -
Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) (CRS)
3/13/2023 -
Legal Challenges to the Terrorist Screening Database (CRS)
7/20/23 -
Marine Corps Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) (CRS)
03/23/23 -
Military Construction: Authorities and Processes (CRS)
4/28/23 -
Military Jurisdiction over Retired Servicemembers (CRS)
4/5/2023 -
Military Medical Malpractice and the Feres Doctrine (CRS)
04/25/2023 -
Military Service Records, Awards, and Unit Histories: A Guide to Locating Sources (CRS)
1/25/23 -
Multiyear Procurement (MYP) and Block Buy Contracting in Defense Acquisition: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
03/30/23 -
National Security Implications of Fifth Generation (5G) Mobile Technologies (CRS)
3/14/2023 -
Navy Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Program: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
4/20/23 -
Navy Columbia (SSBN-826) Class Ballistic Missile Submarine Program: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
03/31/23 -
Navy Constellation (FFG-62) Class Frigate Program: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
3/27/2023 -
Navy DDG-51 and DDG-1000 Destroyer Programs: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
3/27/2023 -
Navy DDG(X) Next-Generation Destroyer Program: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
03/23/23 -
Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
04/13/23 -
Navy Ford (CVN-78) Class Aircraft Carrier Program: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
3/27/2023 -
Navy John Lewis (TAO-205) Class Oiler Shipbuilding Program: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
3/27/2023 -
Navy Large Unmanned Surface and Undersea Vehicles: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
4/17/2023 -
Navy Light Replenishment Oiler (TAOL) (Previously Next-Generation Logistics Ship [NGLS]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
4/20/23 -
Navy LPD-17 Flight II and LHA Amphibious Ship Programs: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
4/17/2023 -
Navy Medium Landing Ship (LSM) (Previously Light Amphibious Warship [LAW]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
04/13/23 -
Navy Next-Generation Attack Submarine (SSN[X]) Program: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
03/23/23 -
Navy Next-Generation Logistics Ship (NGLS) Program: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
03/23/23 -
Navy Ship Names: Background for Congress (CRS)
02/28/23 -
Navy Shipboard Lasers: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
4/21/23 -
Navy TAGOS-25 (Previously TAGOS[X]) Ocean Surveillance Shipbuilding Program: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
03/23/23 -
Navy Virginia (SSN-774) Class Attack Submarine Procurement: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
03/28/23 -
New FCC Rules Ban Authorizations for Equipment Posing National Security Risks (CRS)
1/11/23 -
New Zealand-U.S. Relations (CRS)
6/28/23 -
North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons and Missile Programs (CRS)
4/14/23 -
PATRIOT Air and Missile Defense System for Ukraine (CRS)
1/18/23 -
Pipeline Physical Security: Federal Efforts (CRS)
05/11/23 -
Previewing NATO’s 2023 Vilnius Summit (CRS)
7/5/23 -
Reauthorization of Title VII of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (CRS)
03/17/23 -
Repurposing 3.1-3.55 GHz Spectrum: Issues for Congress (CRS)
3/16/2023 -
Rules and Statutes Relevant to Safeguarding Classified Materials (CRS)
2/3/23 -
Russia’s Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) (CRS)
3/13/2023 -
Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program: Frequently Asked Questions (CRS)
7/24/23 -
Statutory Restrictions on the Use of Journalists for Intelligence Purposes (CRS)
5/1/23 -
The Armed Forces Retirement Home (CRS)
4/20/23 -
The Army’s Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) (CRS)
3/15/2023 -
The Army’s M -10 Booker (formerly known as Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF)) System (CRS)
6/22/23 -
The Army’s Mobile Protected Firepower (MPF) System (CRS)
04/06/23 -
The Army’s Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF) (CRS)
3/16/2023 -
The Army’s Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV) (CRS)
3/14/2023 -
The Army’s Robotic Combat Vehicle (RCV) Program (CRS)
4/3/2023 -
The Army’s XM-30 Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle (Formerly Known as the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle [OMFV]) (CRS)
6/27/23 -
The Department of Homeland Security: A Primer (CRS)
3/21/2023 -
The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) (CRS)
3/16/2023 -
The Feres Doctrine: Congress, the Courts, and Military Servicemember Lawsuits Against the United States (CRS)
4/5/2023 -
The Marine Corps’ Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) (CRS)
3/13/2023 -
The National Cybersecurity Strategy-Going Where No Strategy Has Gone Before (CRS)
3/8/2023 -
The National Cybersecurity Strategy—Going Where No Strategy Has Gone Before (CRS)
7/17/23 -
The Pacific Deterrence Initiative: A Budgetary Overview (CRS)
1/9/23 -
The President’s Authority to Use the National Guard or the Armed Forces to Secure the Border (CRS)
06/15/23 -
The Protection of Classified Information: The Legal Framework (CRS)
2/2/23 -
The Purple Heart: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
2/17/2023 -
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA): Section-by-Section Summary (CRS)
06/05/23 -
The U.S. Army’s Indirect Fire Protection Capability (IFPC) System (CRS)
06/06/2023 -
The U.S. Army’s Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) (CRS)
03/31/23 -
The U.S. Army’s Strategic Mid-Range Fires (SMRF) System (Formerly Mid-Range Capabilities [MRC] System) (CRS)
04/06/23 -
The U.S. Marine Corps Marine Littoral Regiment (MLR) (CRS)
03/28/23 -
TikTok: Recent Data Privacy and National Security Concerns (CRS)
03/29/23 -
Transfer of Defense Articles: U.S. Sale and Export of U.S.-Made Arms to Foreign Entities (CRS)
03/23/23 -
Transferring Fighter Aircraft to Ukraine: Issues and Options for Congress (CRS)
03/17/23 -
TRICARE’s Next Generation Contracts: T-5 (CRS)
4/21/23 -
Turkey (Türkiye): Possible U.S. F-16 Sale (CRS)
2/16/23 -
Turkey (Türkiye): Possible U.S. Sale of F-16 Aircraft (CRS)
05/09/2023 -
U.S. Air Force Pilot Training Transformation (PTT) (CRS)
1/18/23 -
U.S. Armed Forces Abroad: Selected Congressional Votes Since 1982 (CRS)
05/25/23 -
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works: Primer and Resources (CRS)
03/02/23 -
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: FY2023 Appropriations (CRS)
4/20/23 -
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers: FY2024 Appropriations (CRS)
4/3/2023 -
U.S. Army’s Maneuver Short-Range Air Defense (M-SHORAD) System (CRS)
05/09/2023 -
U.S. Defense Infrastructure in the Indo-Pacific: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
06/06/2023 -
U.S. Intelligence Community Establishment Provisions (CRS)
02/28/23 -
U.S. Marine Corps Force Design 2030 Initiative: Background and Issues for Congress (CRS)
6/30/23 -
Veterans and Homelessness (CRS)
4/12/2023 -
Veterans-Related Education Legislation Enacted in the 117th Congress (CRS)
3/16/2023 -
Wagner Group Mutiny in Russia (CRS)
6/28/23 -
War Powers Resolution: Expedited Procedures in the House and Senate (CRS)
6/22/23 -
What Is “Political Warfare”? (CRS)
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